Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School

Week beginning 6th July


Writing Can you write a school report for Zog or make a certificate to reward him for his hard work?


Understanding the World

Click here to watch a video with some first aid tips.

Learn what you could  do if your friend has hurt their arm.  Have a go and see if it works.


Creative. Firemen and paramedics use walkie talkies.  I wonder if you could make some.


PE Try this simple dragon meditation by clicking here.

Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities.






The two human characters in the story become doctors. Can you write some questions you’d like to ask a real doctor?


Creative Can you build a castle to protect a princess from the dragons?  Click here for some inspiration. 


Understanding the World

Watch the accident prevention video by clicking here.  Can you tell a grown up 3 things you must do to keep safe?


Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities.





Writing Can you write a set of instructions to teach a young dragon how to fly like Zog. Try and think of three things it would need to do.

Creative. Can you have a go at making a school bag for Zog.  Click here for some instructions.

PE Try a workout by clicking here.

Login to Seesaw to have a go at the People who help us I spy

Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities.





Writing If different creatures went to their own schools (e.g. a unicorn, a mermaid, a goblin) what might they learn?

“A unicorn would need to learn to…” etc


Understanding the World. Watch this video  to find out about a real air ambulance.

What might have happened?  Fill in an Incident Form by logging in to Seesaw.


Creative Have a go at making a helicopter.



 Cookery  Breathing fire must be hot work.  Try making some ice cream in a bag to help Zog cool down (it’s really easy). Login to Seesaw for the recipe. 


Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities.




This week our story is Zog by Julia Donaldson.  Read the story together and see if you can answer the questions below. 

 When he was learning to roar, Zog’s throat ‘grew hoarse’.  What does this mean?  What could you say instead?

Can you remember the things that Zog had to learn at school?

Look at the first page.  How many of the dragon children do you think are listening carefully to the teacher?

What did the dragons use to help them practise capturing princesses?

Do you think it was fair that Zog won a golden star?



Writing Write a diary entry from a dragon who goes to dragon school. What was on the timetable?  What did he / she learn today? 



PE Try some dragon yoga by clicking here for a short version and here for a longer one.


Understanding the World. Watch the Fireman Sam safety video by clicking here

Then make a poster to teach dragons (or people) how to keep safe with candles?


Creative. Have a go at drawing a dragon.  Click here if you would like to watch a video for ideas.


Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities.