Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School


Week beginning 4th May 2020


Who would you most like to invite for tea?  Have you ever wanted your favourite animal to ring the doorbell?  Is there a person you’ve always wanted to meet, or would your favourite visitor just be your friend?  Write an invitation either to tea at the café or to your VE Day Stay-at-Home celebration.

You can find invitation templates for both by logging in to Seesaw.


Click here for a Tiger who came to tea word search.  


Understanding the World:  Was anyone in your family at the first VE Day celebrations?  Give them a ring and find out what they remember.


Creative:  Login to Seesaw to…

  • make some paper spitfires to hang as decorations,
  • design a medal or
  • print and complete the VE Day colouring page.


  • or design a label for a tin of tiger food.



Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities





Click here for a fun quiz you might like all about the Tiger who came to Tea


Writing: Login to Seesaw to complete the speech bubbles.


Login to Seesaw for Phonics activities.



Nifty Numbers Make a timetable of all the things that happened the day the tiger came to tea.  Here's a story for inspiration.


Understanding the World: Login to Seesaw to sort the shopping list into dairy, fruit and vegetables and groceries.


Art: Make some bunting ready for the celebrations on VE Day celebrations on Friday.  You can find some by clicking here.





Writing:   Write a menu for the café.  There’s a template on Seesaw you might like to use.  I wonder if animals are allowed in the cafe…


Cookery:  How about making something for the café?  Or have a look at the wartime recipe book for inspiration.  I’ve put the weekly rations on just for interest.


Role play:  At the cafe or retell/act out the story. Click here for some masks to add to the fun! 


Login to Seesaw for Nifty Numbers and Phonics activities.


Understanding the World

The tiger left a lot of rubbish for Sophie and her mummy to clear up. Click here for a recycling game to make sure it all goes in the right bins!




This week our theme will be the story of The Tiger Who Came to Tea, along with preparations for the

VE Day bank holiday on Friday. 

Click here for a link to some resources for this.



Where do you think the tiger came from?

The tiger is big, furry and stripy.  Can you think of anything else to describe him?

Do you think the tiger really came?  Look at the night scene near the end of the story.  Can you see anything that might make us think Sophie has made it all up?

Where do you think the tiger goes at the end?



Click here for yoga with the theme of The Tiger who came to tea.  

Click here for some gross motor activities that don’t need a big space to practise in.



There are some themed page borders here.

What did Sophie say to her daddy when he got home from work?


Login to Seesaw for your Phonics activities.


Nifty Numbers

Can you make a shopping list to replace all the things the tiger ate?

How much would each item cost?

How much would it cost altogether?


Understanding the World

Look at the tiger's stripes. Find out what camouflage is and how it helps tigers.

Can you find other animals who use camouflage to help them?



Paint a picture of the tiger's stripes.   Have a go at some other animal patterns.