Week beginning 30.3.2020
We are loving seeing everyone's posts online!
Have a rhyming day. Watch these 2 videos for inspiration!
Login to Seesaw for your personalised Nifty Numbers
Can you draw or write a simple story. At school we use a template to help structure the story. Login to Seesaw to see it. Remember, you need to introduce a character. There needs to be a problem, then something happens that sorts out that problem.
Some Friday fun
Art Attack
If you’ve got some old magazines, maybe you could have a go at making a lovely bear like this one I’ve put on Seesaw.
Or what about an investigation…?
Again, the instructions are on Seesaw.
Funky Fingers is a very important part of our day but I’m finding it hard to suggest activities not knowing what things you’ve got available at home, so instead I’ve found a list that might give you some ideas. I’ve put it on the General Resources page.
Login to Seesaw for your personalised Phonics
Login to Seesaw for your personalised Nifty Numbers.
Share a story
It’s not just the 3 Bears who like porridge …
Can you predict what might happen in this story before you read it?
What’s missing that makes the pot magic at cooking porridge ? (a heat source)
What can you see happening on page 14 of the real book that would only happen in a story?
Look at pages 18-21. Does the mother know what is going on? How can you tell?
Understanding the World
Goldilocks walked through the woods to get to the 3 Bears house. Can you make a map to show the way? I wonder what she might pass? For inspiration you could read the story of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt or Rosie’s Walk.
When we make maps at school, we often draw the individual landmarks on small squares of paper then sequence them and stick them onto a large piece of paper, adding arrows and labels as we go. Or you could make a 3D map if you have lots of small world toys such as houses and trees etc
If you are feeling very clever you could even compile some instructions for Goldilocks to follow!
This website Cosmic Kids Yoga has been recommended to me and tested by real Clifton children! It’s even got a session called We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. Find it here.
Today have a go at the letter \o\. It’s one of those that looks easy but is harder than you think! Remember to start at the top and slightly to the right. Go over the top of the circle first, in an anti-clockwise direction and make sure it joins up carefully – we don’t want any tadpoles! Check on the handwriting Powerpoint to see it in action!
Watch this video to practise counting those all-important syllables and recite the months of the year at the same time. (Knowing how to break words down into syllables is so helpful when trying to spell longer words.)
Login to Seesaw for your personalised Nifty Numbers
Watch this video about Tomato saying sorry, then pretend you are Goldilocks and write a ‘sorry’ letter to the 3 Bears.
Wednesday afternoon is always PE for us at school, but we often manage to fit in some jigsaws or reading games too – sorry I can’t help with those!
Login to Seesaw and click on Activity for something about bears the children might enjoy instead (I’ve put the timings on for where to find the answers, so you don’t have to keep replaying the whole video.)
Listening game
If there are enough of you in your household you could play a listening game: one person is blind folded in the middle of the circle. The others take it in turns to say “Who’s been eating my porridge?” in different voices and the one blindfolded has to guess who it was – and, for added challenge, where they are in the room.
If you don’t have enough people, you could try an attention game…
Place a number of items from the Goldilocks story on the floor and cover with a blanket (bowls, spoons, different sized teddies…). Ask the child to guess how many there are and check by counting. Remove one object. Can they say which has been removed?
Login to Seesaw for a Goldilocks Spot the difference
Nifty Numbers – today there is a shape hunt for you to do on Seesaw.
Login to Seesaw for your personalised phonics.
Cookery – Mrs Watson has come up with a cookery challenge for you. Login to Seesaw to find out what you need to do!
Role play - This is an easy one! You could act out the story of the 3 Bears, or set up a tea party using a blanket and different sized cups,bowls, plates etc. Perhaps Goldilocks has invited the bears to the tea party to say sorry…
I hope you've all had a good weekend.
This week’s theme is going to be Goldilocks and the 3 Bears so a good place to start would be by sharing the story.
It says "Goldilocks had golden hair and her cheeks were rosy". What word on the same page rhymes with 'rosy'?
What does peckish mean? Can you think of another word to use instead?
Why does Daddy Bear say "Pardon?" at the beginning?
Can you remember what Goldilocks thought was wrong with the porridge and the chairs?
Click here if you are short of books to read with your child; these have been made available for free.
Funky Fingers
Sort the laundry basket into clothes of the same size and peg them on the line or drying rack in the right order for the bears (smallest to largest).
Practise the 2 letters ‘b’ and ‘d’ to help you remember which is which! Remember ‘b’ starts at the top and ‘d’ starts in the middle. Look at the Handwriting Powerpoint on the General Resources page for guidance.
Phonics Play is now available for free at home.
Log on with...
Username: march20
Then click on Resources on the menu across the top. Scroll down to find Tricky Word Trucks. Start with Phase 2 then move onto Phases 3 and 4 if appropriate.
Another good Phase 2 game to work through is here
Nifty Numbers
Are you remembering to check the weather and the temperature every day (see last’s week’s page for instructions)? Not only does this help with counting on, counting back, and (hopefully) teen numbers but also important time vocabulary such as tomorrow, yesterday, the day before yesterday etc.
Login to Seesaw for your personalised Nifty Number activities
Have you been doing the Joe Wicks online PE lessons at 9am every day? We’ve tried them and they are good fun.
An alternative for young children can be found here at Andy's Wild Workouts.
Don’t forget those valuable ball skills too – throwing, catching, patting, rolling. They are good exercise and hand/eye coordination practice at the same time!
Write about something you did at the weekend. Use the Sound Card in your pack to help you. Don’t worry too much about correct spelling at this stage; it’s the listening for sounds that is important here, although some words don’t make the right sounds but those can be found on the General Resources page here.
Don't forget to illustrate your writing with a picture and post a photo on Seesaw!
Login to Charanga (login details on Seesaw) and sing the Old Macdonald song, but before you start, find something to use as a glockenspiel – perhaps an upturned saucepan and a wooden spoon?
Can you remember what the blue and red stripes are called at the bottom of the song? The first blue one is the introduction, the red ones are the verses and the other blue ones are instrumental.