Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School

Week beginning 27 4 2020

Mrs Williams has asked me to make you aware of her new home/school Forest School activities page on the website.  You can find it by clicking here.  You can post photos etc on Seesaw so they can be shared with Mrs Williams.


Funky Fingers – make a loo roll/peg goat! 


Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities


Research Login to Seesaw to find out some fun facts about goats.  



Watch the goat video on Seesaw. Write your favourite facts about goats.


Investigation  The 3 Billy Goats need to find another way to cross the river.   Have a go at the raft building challenge on Seesaw.  If you don’t have the suggested items, use whatever you can find.


Art  Make a stone troll! If you haven’t got a large stone, use a box or whatever else you might have.





Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities


Building Challenge:  Can you make a bridge for the goats that spans a bowl or tray of water? (No construction kits allowed!)

How strong is your bridge?  Will it hold 3 toy goats (or 3 of any animal you happen to have)?

Is it strong enough to hold a ‘troll’ as well?

Here are some ideas to get you thinking.






Art. If you haven’t already, try some rainbow art.  Here are some ideas to get you thinking. 




Ball Skills  Please don’t forget these all-important skills.  If your child is not keen, it is probably because they don’t feel they are any good at it.  Now is an ideal time to practise and set them up with fun exercise skills for life.




Login to Seesaw for your Phonics and Nifty Number activities.


Writing - Can you create a wanted poster for the Troll or write an interview?  Login to Seesaw for a template.


Investigation – The 3 Billy Goats Gruff had really noisy feet. Can you find a ‘noisy’ pair of shoes and a ‘quiet’ pair?

How could you make the noisy pair quiet?  What could you use?  Post you photos on Seesaw.





Here’s an animated version of the story you might like.  It has some lovely descriptive language you could discuss with your child, such as 'blade' of grass, 'rickety' bridge, 'gingerly' and 'jealous'.

Can you make up silly names for you and your family using the same first letter sounds just like the "terrifically terrifying terrible troll called Trevor'?



The troll was really unkind what could he have said instead?  Login to Seesaw to complete the speech bubble.


Cookery – Goats produce milk.  How many different things do you know that are made of milk?  Login to Seesaw to complete the activity.

Maybe you could make something with milk and post a photo on Seesaw.

Try some goat’s cheese – chop in some baby spinach or lettuce for the ‘grass’!


Maths – The Billy Goats had to get from one field to another. I wonder how far it was.  Practise measuring distances by cutting out some footprints from newspaper.  Choose where in your house or garden to start and where to measure to.  Lay the footprints out toe to heel (remember – no gaps!) and see how many you need to get from one place to another.  Choose a different destination and see if it is the same number or not?  What is the furthest you can go?


Login to Seesaw for Phonics activities


Role Play

Act out the story of the 3 Billy Goats Gruff using some masks or some stick puppets.

You could make a bridge scene to help with your retelling.


PE – In the animated story above, the little billy goat skipped over the bridge.  Practise skipping with your child (the running kind, not the one with a rope).  It is surprisingly tricky and needs good coordination.  For help on how to break it down into manageable chunks, see the video on the General Resources page.   


Funky Fingers/Creative

The 3 Billy Goats loved their grass.  See if you can create something fabulous using it.  Here are a couple of ideas…








This week our theme is the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Read the story together and see if you can answer the questions below.

Can you think of another word for meadow?

What sound did the goats’ hooves make on the bridge?

What does ‘a voice like thunder’ mean?

If the biggest goat had gone first across the bridge, would the story be the same?  If not, why not?

I can find 4 different descriptions of the troll’s voice.  How many can you find?



Have a go at ‘v’and ‘w’.  Have a look on the General Resources page to see how to do it.  Try to get the lines diagonal rather than upright and remember to make nice sharp points at the bottom.



Write about something you did over the weekend.


PE  - try this Billy Goat’s Gruff yoga. 


Or build a bridge from found objects and practice walking over it in different ways, not forgetting on 4 ‘legs’ just like a goat.


Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities