Week beginning 22nd June 2020
Writing Can you write a letter to a different story character who The Jolly Postman might have visited?
Creative Have a go at making a pom pom shooter. How does it work – by pushing or by pulling? Login to Seesaw for instructions.
Understanding the World. Try the pushing and pulling board game.
Role Play Can you set up a post office to sell stamps, weigh and post parcels? Maybe you could be a postman too, delivering the post to your toys.
Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Numbers activities.
Writing. What is your home address? Can you practise writing it?
Can you find your house on Google Earth?
Write a letter to a friend or relative and go and post it in the post box.
Login to Seesaw for Nifty Number and Phonics activities.
PE Login to Seesaw for a balancing challenge.
Understanding the World. Sit in the laundry basket or in a box. Get someone to push you along the floor then try pulling you with a rope attached. Which one is the easiest? I wonder if it makes any difference on carpet or on a smooth floor…? Try it yourself with something heavy in the basket – a younger brother or sister would be ideal if you’ve got one!
Try making a slight slope and covering it with different materials like newspaper, a tea towel, tin foil then rolling your toy vehicles down it. Which surface helps the vehicles to go the fastest and which the slowest?
Creative Can you design a new vehicle for the Jolly Postman?
Read the story of the Jolly Postman again and have a go at answering the questions below.
The witch read the letter with ‘a cackle of glee’ – what is a ‘cackle’? Can you cackle like a witch?
Can you think of another word we could use instead?
When the Jolly Postman takes a letter to ‘Grandma’ he drinks his tea ‘nervously’. Why do you think he was nervous?
Which house would you like to live in and why?
Can you remember the order of houses that the Jolly Postman visited?
Clues – If I wanted to give clues about what Mrs Armitage had added to her bike, I might use the words like comfortable dog, road safety, extra speed, or tasty food. Can you write 4 clues about 2 different things you have done to help someone guess what it was?
It could be something like A Game I Like Playing, Something That Happened on Holiday, My Favourite Meal …. Just remember not to write the actual words of what it is so we have to guess.
Understanding the World Bikes are pushed along using our feet on the pedals. Have a go at the push and pull sorting activity on Seesaw.
Try making a track using two lines of bricks or pencils. Can you push a Malteser along the track using just your breath. Does it help using a straw? If you haven’t got a Malteser, try a ball of rolled up paper or a marble.
Can you design your own stamps? Login to Seesaw for a template.
Maybe you could design your own dream bike just like Mrs Armitage’s.
Login to Seesaw for Nifty Number and Phonics activities.
Writing Wash your bike – then design a poster to sell your own bike or Mrs Armitage’s bike.
Understanding the World Learn the names for the different parts of a bike. Login to Seesaw for a template to use. I wonder how many extra parts you can name?
Creative Can you do an observational drawing of a bike? Choose one part of the bike to draw or the whole thing. Try and look really carefully and get as much detail as possible.
Role Play. Can you set up a show room to sell all different kinds of transport? You could use your toys or real life sized vehicles. You’ll need a desk and a telephone, maybe a computer and definitely some price labels and money. Don’t forget to tell the customer all the good things about the vehicle so they can’t resist buying it!
Login to Seesaw for Nifty Number and Phonics activities.
Our theme this week is transport and bikes in particular, so our stories for the week are Mrs Armitage on Wheels and The Jolly Postman – both of which involve bicycles.
Read the story of Mrs Armitage on Wheels and answer the questions below.
Can you list in order the things Mrs A needed for her bike?
What is your favourite thing that Mrs Armitage adds to her bike?
Why do you think Mrs Armitage is adding all these things on to her bike?
What is the silliest thing she adds?
Read the last page again. What do you think will happen next?
Click here to listen to the story of The Jolly Postman.
Writing Write a thank you letter from the dog or the hedgehog… or from you to your own postman!
Login to Seesaw for Phonics activities.
Nifty Numbers. See how many things you can find around the house with circles in. Have a go at printing with them.
Understanding the World. The hedgehog nearly got ridden over by Mrs Armitage. Have a go at the Road Safety sequencing activity by logging into Seesaw.
Art. If you have a hula hoop, have a go at turning it into a piece of art!