Week beginning 20.4.2020
Stranger Danger - On her way to see her grandmother Red Riding Hood stops to talk to a wolf, which turns out to be a bad idea. Talk to your child about talking to strangers; see if they are aware that talking to strangers is a bad thing to do. Talk about what might happen if you were to talk to a stranger. Login to Seesaw for a Stranger Danger activity.
Design and/or make a bag suitable for carrying a cake to Grandma’s house.
Predators - In the story the wolf wants to eat Little Red Riding hood. Login to Seesaw to complete the food chain activity.
Phonics - Login to Seesaw for your Phonics activities.
Pattern. Have a go at this activity. Choose which level is appropriate for your child – it’s always better to start a bit too easy if you’re not sure. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/shape-patterns
Can you make and write a thank you card to the woodcutter from Little Red Riding Hood or maybe from Grandma to LRRHood?
Can you collect some flowers (dandelions, daisies…) just like LRRHood did for Grandma? You could use your Funky Fingers to push them through the holes in a kitchen colander to make an arrangement like this.
Investigation – have a look at the dandelion information sheet on Seesaw and see if you can find dandelions in all their different stages of development.
This video might help too.
In fact there are lots of things you can do with dandelions…
You could save the white puffy dandelion heads in a jar, and use them all year round, either for special wishes or to bring a smile to someone who’s feeling down – blowing those dandelions will definitely brighten up a day!
Or try some dandelion art work – here are a few ideas.
Nifty Numbers
Can you weave an over/under pattern just like on the basket LRRHood used to take Grandma her treats? For instructions how to do it, login to Seesaw.
Login to Seesaw for your Phonics activities.
Have a go at perfecting the letter ‘g’. Check on the General Resources page to see how to form it correctly. If you are feeling very clever have a go at making it sit on the line with the tail hanging below the line.
Grandma is poorly in bed. Write a list of things to take her.
Investigation - Fastenings.
How many different ways of joining or fastening clothes can you find e.g. zips, buttons, poppers, laces, Velcro? Login to Seesaw to complete the activity.
Funky Fingers LRRHood wore a cape tied on with ribbons. Can you make a cape from paper or fabric for a teddy and practise tying knots or bows to keep the cape on? Or you could find a pair of shoes and practise tying those.
Nifty Numbers - Login to Seesaw for your activities.
Phonics - Login to Seesaw for your activities.
There are often old ladies, like LRRHood’s grandma, in children’s stories. Click here for a computing activity (no computer needed, except perhaps a printer) that helps children understand the importance of sequencing; this is the first step in understanding algorithms.
Later you could play a Teddy Hunt game to emphasise the idea and importance of instruction sequencing. This activity helps demonstrate why algorithms need to be precise. If they’re not, the teddy won’t be found!
Teddy Hunt. Ask your child to hide their teddy/toy in another room in the house. Ask them to draw, write or speak the instructions (an algorithm) for someone to find it. They need to be precise with their instructions if they want their teddy found quickly.
LRRHood made some cakes for Grandma. Perhaps you could make some cakes too.
Nifty Numbers - Login to Seesaw for your activities.
Phonics - Login to Seesaw for your activities.
Role play: Take turns being LRRHood and the wolf – “What big eyes you’ve got Grandma!” “All the better to see you with….” Can you think of any alternative phrases to add?
Welcome back, Everyone!
This week’s story topic is going to Little Red Riding Hood.
Here’s the story for you to enjoy together and then some questions to think about.
Can you think of any other words that mean the same as ‘poorly’?
Why did the wolf suggest to Little Red Riding Hood that Grandma would like some flowers?
Explain why Grandma got under the bed?
Would you like to live in a cottage in the woods?
Can you remember the order of LRRHood’s comments to the wolf? (“What big…)
What do you think would have happened if the woodcutter hadn’t gone into the house?
Red Riding Hood was very caring towards her grandma. Have a go at the Kindness activity on Seesaw.
Write a message to a grandparent to tell them why they are special, or what you like doing with them.
PE – here’s a yoga practice with the theme of Little Red Riding Hood.
Music - Here's a song all about Little RedRiding Hood.
For Nifty Numbers and phonics activities, login to Seesaw.