Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School

Week beginning 18th May 2020


Writing   Login to Seesaw to add some speech bubbles to the story of Billy’s Beetle.


Motor skills The little pig in the story lost his furry caterpillar.  Have a go at this caterpillar race game!  


Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities.


DT/Understanding the World. Can you make a bug hotel?   Login to Seesaw for instructions.





PE Have a go at this roll-a-dice activity game.  



Login to Seesaw for Phonics activities.


Nifty Numbers

3D shape.  Can you make a box for all those vet pills? Login to Seesaw.  Choose a shape to cut out.  Fold it up and design a label.

Or click here to have a go at the parcel sorting game. 


Creative Can you make a spider from a cardboard tube?  Enjoy the story below then login to Seesaw for the instructions.







Understanding the World.  Billy lost his beetle.  Sniffy Dog used his sense of smell to help find it.  I wonder what a beetle smells like…. If you find one, give it a sniff!

Can you find 5 things in your house that smell very different?

Login to Seesaw to record your findings.  

For inspiration, enjoy this book together!


Creative. Can you make an animal nose?  Have a look at these photos for inspiration.  




PE  Can you make an animal themed obstacle course – with each obstacle include a soft toy animal.  The children have to make the sound of the animal as they tackle the obstacle.  For a bit of added reading, the animals could be replaced by the written sounds or the animal name… What if 2 animals were together…?


Login to Seesaw for Phonics activities.

Nifty Numbers  Can you measure the weight of each of your animals?  If you don’t have any scales, you could make some like in the picture.  You could use Lego or stones to balance them with. Lo.gin to Seesaw to complete the activity





Role play Can you set up a clinic for a vet and treat your animals?  

Click here for some useful resources.


DT  You could make your very own stethoscope to check the animals with.




Writing  Can you write some medical notes for one of your animals?  Don’t forget things like their name and age, what is wrong with them and the treatment they will need.  Login to Seesaw if you would like a template to use.  


Motor skills/Silly game. The elephant in the story uses his trunk to point.  Can you use your trunk to knock the objects off the cups? 


Login to Seesaw for Phonics activities



Nifty Numbers How tall are your animals (or your family)?  Measure their heights with either a standard tape measure or one you have made yourself. You could record the results on a chart for the vet clinic.


Understanding the World. Have a go at the beetle video research on Seesaw.




Monday 18th May

 This week our theme will be the book Billy’s Beetle by Mike Inkpen

Read the story together and see if you can answer the questions below.

How many pages can you see the beetle on?

Why do you think the dog is called 'the sniffy dog'?

What does 'took off like a rocket' mean?  What could you say instead?

What is the man like?  How could you describe him?

Can you remember all the characters who tried help?



 PE Click here for a yoga session about a stick insect (I couldn't find one about a beetle!). 



 Write about something funny that happened over the weekend.


Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities



Understanding the World

Go on your own mini beast hunt. If you don’t have outdoor space, you could always do an inside mini beast hunt.  Login to Seesaw for 2 different versions.