Week beginning 15th June
Writing Jack had a bit of an adventure. Can you remember how he was feeling at each point in the story? Login to Seesaw to complete the activity.
Jack used balloons to scare away those sharks. Can you blow up a balloon and let it go like Jack did? Listen carefully – what sound does it make? Can you make the balloon make different sounds or just the one?
Understanding the World/Investigation
How many different types of fruit do you know? Can you make a list?
Seed investigation – Find some different fruits. Choose one to draw really carefully or make a model of one.
Cut them all apart. Which ones have seeds and which ones don't?
Are the seeds all the same?
If they are different sizes, can you put them in order?
Maybe you could choose some to plant. I wonder what will happen ...
Creative Imagine a new type of tree that nobody has ever seen before and create a picture of it.
OR maybe you would like to make your very own Flum Flum tree.
Login to Seesaw for Nifty Number and Phonics activities.
Writing Jack used everyday objects in original and unusual ways! Find 3 objects i.e a hairclip, an apple, a piece of paper. Can the children think of some other uses for these objects?
How could Jack have solved the problems differently?
Find a plastic tub and get a grown up to make a hole in it, just like Jack’s boat. Try different things from around the house to try to plug the hole and stop the boat from sinking. What worked best? What really didn’t work?
Junk modelling/music
Make a Tom-Tom or shaker from junk.
You could experiment with different grains, pulses, rocks inside different containers. Can you play a rhythm with it? Try repeating you family’s names whilst shaking the tom tom or shake in time to a nursery rhyme.
Login to Seesaw for Nifty Number and Phonics activities.
Jack had lots of problems – how many of them can you remember?
Can you match the problems to the items he used?
What was his biggest problem? Can you draw it?
Login to Seesaw if you would like templates for these.
Login to Seesaw for Nifty Number and Phonics activities.
Junk modelling
Can you make a model boat like the one that Jack built?
Have a go at drawing a shark.
Or draw yourself in a shark’s mouth (or use a photo). Login to Seesaw if you would like a template.
Writing Granny caught the moozles. Make a poster to teach people how to stay healthy and try to avoid catching colds.
Mum has the Square-zles. How can Jack cure them?
Role play Can you set up a hospital or doctor’s surgery? Click here for some useful resources.
Catching a virus - Click here to watch a fun video about why soap is so important when you wash your hands. Have a go at the experiment yourself.
Design a label for a bottle of soap. Login to Seesaw for a template.
Login to Seesaw for a sequencing activity on how to wash your hands.
Login to Seesaw for Nifty Number and Phonics activities.
This week our theme is the story of Jack and the Flum Flum Tree by Julia Donaldson.
Click here to listen to the story together and see if you can answer the questions below.
- Granny gave Jack a bulging patchwork sack. What does ‘bulging’ mean? Can you think of/draw an animal that has bulging cheeks?
- What does patchwork mean?
- Jack and Rose ‘heaved and hauled’ Stu. What were they doing to him?
- How do Rose and Stu feel when they see the sharks? How does Jack feel? How do you know?
- Can you explain why the children made a drum when the monkey took the flum flum?
- Can you remember what they used to plug up the holes in the boat?
- Can you remember all the things that were in the sack?
- What are the good things that happened in the story? Login to Seesaw for some pictures to help.
Writing Imagine that you were going on the voyage with Jack to the Isle of Blowyernose. Make a list of the things that you would need to take with you. Login to Seesaw if you would like a template to use.
Or pretend that you’ve gone with them on the adventure. Design and write a postcard to send to Granny to tell her all about the Isle of Blowyernose. Login to Seesaw if you would like a template to use.
Login to Seesaw for Nifty Number and Phonic activities.
Memory Game “Let’s have a look in the patchwork sack”
Find a bag and take turns to put an object inside the bag while saying the phrase: “In my bag I would pack .......”
How many can you remember before you have to peek?
Understanding the World
Can you draw a map to help Jack get to the Isle of Blowyernose.
PE After such a busy morning why not try this Mindfulness video about a boat and the sea. Click here to set sail.