Week beginning 13th July
Write a letter or postcard from the alien to the boy, or from you to a friend from the moon.
Understanding the World
Click here to make a balloon rocket.
Or login to Seesaw for instructions on how to make a parachute.
Can you make an alien – or even a whole family of aliens!
Or maybe have a go at making a star to hang in your window and catch the light. You just need some sticks, tissue paper and some glue.
Or login to Seesaw for a different version.
Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities.
Writing Imagine the conversation that the boy and the alien might have using their walkie-talkies.
Understanding the World The little boy had to swim across the ocean. This is a dangerous thing to do. Can you make a life jacket for him? Use a stone as the boy and have a go at making a jacket to make it/him float?
Creative Click here to find out how to draw an astronaut.
Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities.
Writing I wonder what the boy and the alien are saying. Can you write it down? You could use the speech/thought bubbles on Seesaw to help.
Cookery Could you make some shining star biscuits? There’s a recipe on Seesaw.
Understanding the World
Have a go at making a torch by clicking here for some instructions.
Creative On page 4, the boy gets ready to go in the aeroplane. Can you take a series of photos of you doing something in little stages, just like the boy?
Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities.
This week our focus is the story The Way Back Home by Oliver Jeffers.
Enjoy reading the story together then have a go at answering the questions below.
“The plane spluttered…”. Can you make a spluttering noise?
The alien steered his spaceship ‘towards a flicker of light’. What do you think the light was?
How do you think the alien felt when the boy forgot to go back to rescue him?
Why did the postman bring a parcel with walkie talkies in?
The story is about when things go wrong. What can we do to make things seem not so bad?
Imagine that you found an aeroplane in your cupboard. What would you do? Or maybe you found something else...
PE Have a Comic Space yoga adventure by clicking here.
Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities.
Understanding the World
Click here to watch a video with Duggie (up to 16:12) to find out about the solar system.
Which planet is the biggest? Which is the hottest? Is the sun a planet or a star? Which planet is closest to the sun? What’s the dwarf planet called?
Click here OR here to find out how to draw an alien.