Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School

Week beginning 11th May 2020


Writing   Could you write a short story about an animal…?  Choose one of the animals from the photos.  What is it like?  Friendly, ferocious…?  Does it have any special abilities?  Maybe it came to someone’s rescue or cheered up someone feeling sad…

You could use the format ‘Once upon a time… One day… In the end’ to help you.





Funky Fingers

Use a timer to see how quickly you can complete the challenge.  Try it more 3 times to see if you can you get any faster.



Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities.




Make a plastic bag aquarium.  

Fill a zip lock bag with some shower gel.  Maybe add some glitter if you have some.  Add some plastic animals or design some from used packaging. Cut seaweed from cellophane or old sweet wrappers.  Add shells, sequins, sand, small stones etc.  Seal the bag securely and display on a window.





Writing   Write a ‘Welcome to your new home’ card for a pet.


Funky Fingers.   Have a go at making a mouse/rat finger puppet.



Trace and cut a circle from paper approximately 17cm across. (Or shorter for very small fingers)

Fold the circle in half and half again – so you have folded lines to mark out the quarters.

Cut out the quarters – each one will make one mouse. Keep the off cuts for the paper mice details.

Add glue to one long edge of the quarter, roll up and secure. Your basic paper cone and paper mouse are finished.

Adding the mouse puppet’s features

Cut two tear drops for ears, one long thin piece of paper for the tail (curl with scissors) and two shorter thin strips of paper for whiskers.

Glue the tail to the bottom inside of the cone.

Colour in the tear drop ears for the mouse, add glue to the bottom and glue half way along the cone.

Cross the two short strips of paper, add glue and secure underneath the top of the cone.


Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities.



Role Play. Can you set up a pet grooming salon? Click here for some really useful resources.

Or give your plastic animals a good clean with soap and an old toothbrush. 





Writing. Can you write some instructions that tell people how to look after a pet?  


PE The rat in The Great Pet Sale likes to stand on one leg. Click here for some fun ideas on how to practise balancing. 


Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities.




Can you make a pet carrier/house for one of your favourite animals?





Writing. Can you think of words that can be used to describe each pet. Login to Seesaw.  


Listening/memory game “I went to the pet shop and I bought a…”

Take it in turns to add another animal to the list, but you have to repeat the entire list each time.  If this is too tricky, do it with pictures first then gradually turn the pictures face down for extra challenge.


Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities.



Role play. Set up a pet shop and sell to your family.  Don’t forget all the accessories too, such as bowls, brushes, leads, food etc.

Click here for some price tags to print or here for some signs and labels.




This week our theme will be the story of The Great Pet Sale.  AS this story has flaps I have provided a video rather than a Powerpoint.




Make a poster for a lost pet.  Login to Seesaw for a template.  


The rat said the boy needed animals that began with \r\.  Login to Seesaw to complete the challenge.   



Click here for some yoga all about a cat called Parsnip.


Login to Seesaw for Phonics and Nifty Number activities.



Have a go at making a dog.  Here’s some ideas for inspiration.