Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School Life at Clifton-upon-Teme Primary School

Week beginning 1st June 2020


Writing  What if George met another animal?   What might be wrong?  What item of clothing might George give them to help them out?


Nifty Numbers  George had a very smart tie.


Can you design a tie with a repeating pattern like George's?  Login to Seesaw for a template.

Feeling clever?  Divide the tie into sections and do a different repeating pattern in each section (a repeating pattern is when you choose 2, 3 or 4 things and repeat them over and over.  It might be coloured stripes like on George’s tie or it might be colours and shapes…Or even colours, shapes and different sizes!)



Login to Seesaw for Phonics activities.



Understanding the World  George walked all around the town and countryside where he lives.  Can you make a map of where he went?  You could draw each place on a small square of paper, then sequence the pictures to make a trail map of where he went.  Don’t forget to label the places too!


Creative  George went to a campsite where he saw the fox.  

Can you make a tent or a den?  You could make a big one to fit yourself into…


or a small one for a toy.  

Login to Seesaw for some instructions on how to make a tepee for a toy.

Or maybe you could put a real tent up in the garden?





Writing Can you find the 'Missing Giraffe' poster in the illustrations?  Have a go at writing your own poster for a missing giraffe. I wonder what he looks like, or where you saw him last…?  What might the reward be for finding him?  Login to Seesaw for a template. 


PE After he’d given his shoe away, the Smartest Giant had to hop.  How well can you hop?  Join in with the song below, then have a go at making your own hopscotch.  It’s usually made with numbers but you could try it with sounds or words too for a bit of extra learning!






Login to Seesaw for Phonics activities.



Nifty Numbers  The animals gave George a crown at the end of the story.  Pretend you work in a crown making factory.  You need the crowns to fit properly.

Measure around the heads of all the people in your family.  (If you don’t have many, use your pets or toys as well)  Login to Seesaw to record the results.


Creative Make a crown for yourself or one of your customers.  Or even a pair of matching crowns!





Writing Write a thank you letter to the giant for lending you something.  Maybe you could pretend to be one of the animals.


Login to Seesaw to complete the missing words for the story.


Motor skills Have a go at learning to tie shoe laces.

Have you ever tried polishing shoes?  Have a go - how shiny can you make them?


Login to Seesaw for Nifty Numbers and Phonics activities


DT/Investigation The goat in the story had a boat but needed a sail.  See if you can make a boat with a sail. Have a look at the photos for inspiration.



Or follow the instructions on Seesaw to have a go at making a paper boat.

Does your boat float?  If not, why not?  Try and fix the problem.




Writing  Look carefully at the pictures in the story of The Smartest Giant in Town.  Can you find Puss in Boots, one of the 3 little pigs, the Frog Prince, Baa Baa Black Sheep?  Write a sentence to say what each one is doing or where they are.


Role Play.  The giant’s clothes were very old and probably needed a wash.  Set up a launderette to wash your toys clothes or some of your own.


Maths   Make a price list for the launderette.

Can you use these to make some Maths problems? Maybe there are special offers if you have several things washed at once, such as a tee shirt and 2 socks…. Login to Seesaw to post your list.


Login to Seesaw for Phonics activities


Cookery.  Can you make different sized sandwiches to match the different sized people in your family?  Or you could make pretend ones using playdough and toys.




This week our theme will be the story of The Smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson.  Enjoy reading the story together then see if you can answer the questions below.  Maybe you could record the answers and post it on Seesaw.



Which clothes did George wear at the beginning of the story?

Why do you think George wanted some new clothes?

Which animal did George give his tie to and what did he use it for?

How do you think the animals felt before they met George?

How do you think the animals felt after they met George?

Why does George say that he is the coldest giant in town?

Why did the animals give George a crown and card?

Thinking about the story, do you think it is better to be kind or be smart?



The Smartest Giant is really kind.  Write about something you did lately that was kind.



Find a giant pair of shoes. 

How many different things can you fill them with?

How many of the same thing can you fill them with?

Find something that you can fit in more of than before.

Find something you can fit in less of than before.


Login to Seesaw to record your findings.


Login to Seesaw for Phonics activities


PE Click here for a lovely activity with the theme of The Smartest Giant in Town.

Art If you have a dolls house or can make a Lego house, take a photo of you peering in like a giant on page 3?

Or set up and photograph a scene like the artist Slinkachu.