Forest School At Home
Forest School At Home - Activities for you to have a go at throughout the home schooling period.
Anything you would like to show please send to your Seesaw account ( Ref Mrs W.) I will then upload under the appropriate activity on this page.
Any answers to questions will be posted at the bottom of this page after 2/3 days of being placed on this site.
You could work towards a
'Blue Peter Badge'
Activity 21 - A Mindfulness Hour
Will you have a go?
Activity 20
Can you name these insects that have been found in Jack's conservatory?
Activity 19
I'm a moth, what's my name? Can you name this insect?
Birds find me horrible to eat . What will I turn into?
Activity 18
You could try this experiment at home
Looking at how an oil spillage in the sea would effect the wildlife that live there.
You will love this. Mrs Hughes would like you to meet Hazel?
Activity 17
Can you name that bird song ? Sound 7
Activity 16
Instructions on how to make a Bug Hotel
Brilliant Oliver.
Very clever Freddie. This is a perfect bug hotel.
Well Done Girls, very cosy.
The perfect place to rest a wing!
Activity 15
Can you guess this MOTH? I should have said moths!
See the answer at the bottom of page
Activity 14 - Home learning - Celebrating Forest School Day - Insect and flower art
Wow! What a beautiful bird.
Poppy petals make beautiful wings Henry.
Very clever use of natural materials Alice. Henry. Is that a snail I spy?
Thank you John, so realistic.
Which one is the butterfly chrysalis and can you name the butterfly ?
A great use of geranium leaves to create a pattern with symmetry on your butterfly.
Braxton, how very clever and realistic they look.
Very clever.
Eddie, I love the use of the Fushia flowers.
Activity 13 - Home learning - Creating Andy Goldsworthy Art
Braxton, how fabulous Charlie, this reminds me of a flower bed. Superb!
Daisy, what beautiful dresses.
Thank you Eddie. This is very interesting Evan, like a birds nest!
I love your enthusiasm, perhaps you should consider joining Gardening Club?
You have had new arrivals as well. WOW, how cute.
Activity 13
If you started activity 1 then now is the time to gently check the pressed plant material and then have a go at creating a pressed flower picture. I will be checking mine and will promise a picture very soon.
Thank you for setting me a quiz. Answers below
Working in video sound order ;
1. A family of noisy Sparrows that were either in a bush near by or nesting in your eaves.
2. A Wood Pigeon that possibly has a nest in those large conifers around your home
3. A Great Tit
4.A Blackbird
5. A Magpie
6. A Chaffinch in the mix as well. I THINK!
Activity 12
Can you recognise this bird heard in Clifton?
Activity 11
Can you create a picture from your garden? You can use crayons, watercolours, pastels, pencil, anything you think is suitable. If you want it posted on this page after it's completed then let your teacher know.
Activity 11 - Your Gallery
This is SUPERB. Thank you Esme.
Activity 10
Life Cycles/Reproduction
I thought you would love to watch this video - The parent hens are on the right.
When you are next on your walk or in the garden take a closer look at the plants you can see around you. How many seed heads can you see? How are the seeds distributed?
The aim of any plant is to produce another one of its self and to do this the flower needs to attract its pollinators - amazing insects, - in particular bees. In the image below can you see new flower buds, an open flower being pollinated from a bumble bee and a seed pod?
Look at this seed pod in the image above, what can you see now?
The pod is full of seeds which if left on the plant would eventually scatter into the garden after the pod had hardened and dried from the sun. This action would then make sure that the flower would continue to grow.
Different plants have different ways to disperse seed. Use these links to discover more.
Have a look around your garden or on a walk. If you find a seed head try to think how it will be dispersed, animal, explosion, wind or water.
I would love a photo and your prediction.
For KS2 children, a more detailed information sheet of a flowering plant dissected.
Activity 10 - Your gallery
I wonder how many puffs it took?
Activity 9
Name this sound? 6
Name this sound? 5
Activity 8
Do you recognise these trees?
The two pictures immediately above are the same tree.
You might like to name that tree when you are out walking or even in your garden so use the
Tree ID sheet below to help.
Activity 7
How long do you think this worm is? I found it whilst digging yesterday and what fascinated me the most was the more it had to stretch the longer it became. I did return it to the soil where within a minute it had disappeared.
Below is an activity for you to have a go at home.
First watch the short video to explain how this activity should be carried out. All the sheets for data collecting can be found under the video also the important identification sheet.
Ask an adult where you can dig a spade size hole before you start.
Ways to send data can either be direct on to POD site or upload on your seesaw account and then I will upload on your behalf. Enjoy!
Identification sheet
Activity 7 - Your Gallery
Great digging!
Activity 6
Name this sound 4?
Name those sounds 3 ?
Activity 5
Can you measure the root of a dandelion? Will yours be the longest?
Today, the ground is perfect for digging up a dandelion with its roots. Ask permission before making holes in the garden, Have a bucket of water near by then using a trowel to move the soil carefully away - The Tap Root can be as long as a parsnip or carrot. - Don't pull it hard as it will snap but tease it carefully from the ground then wash in the bucket of water before laying on the ground and measuring.
What will you use? A tape measure, ruler, lego bricks, your foot or hand. You can choose but remember, send me a photo so I can place it under this activity to show your friends.
These roots measured 21.5 cm. The thicker of the two snapped off as it was securely anchored in the ground so this gives you an idea on how far down the dandelion grows to ensure its survival.
The thick part of the root is the primary tap root. This anchors the plant and goes straight down into the earth looking for moisture. Can you see the smaller almost hairy parts coming from the tap root? These are the secondary roots.
Roots have 5 functions
- 1. To anchor the plant in the ground
- 2. To take in water and minerals
- 3. To bring water and minerals up to the stem of the plant
- 4. To bring dissolved food from the stem to the root
- 5. To store food
Can you find out the meaning of photosynthesis? This will help you understand the 5 root functions.
Activity 5 - Your Gallery
6.5 cm
10.4 cm
Thank you Charlotte and Isabelle.
This currently takes the lead!
Activity 4
Name that sound 1?
Name those sounds 2 ?
Activity 3
When you next go for a walk take a camera and photograph as many plants as you can then using the images create a beautiful picture. Name the plants if possible and then send to your seesaw account asking it to be forwarded to Mrs Williams.
You can download an identification plant app. Before you do this speak to an adult or use any nature books you may have at home to help you find the answers.
Activity 3 - Your Gallery
Thank you Daisy, you even caught a bumble bee
Isabelle's Flower Picture
Activity 2 - Name those plants - Answer sheet below but have ago first.
I have named the plants which I think I know and have researched others I don't
Activity 1 - Flower pressing
Collect an assortment of petals to press then lay them between newspaper or an absorbent tissue.
Place a heavy object on the top layer then wait for at least three weeks before looking at the results.
You are now ready to create your own collage using PVA glue.
A perfect gift if put in a small frame.
More activities to follow. Enjoy!
Sound 1 = Rain
Sound 2 = Sparrows
Sound 3 = Bee + Sparrow
Sound 4 = Blackbird
Sound 5 = Magpie
Sound 6 = Pigeon
Tree names = Ash 2 bottom, left = Beech, right = Horse Chestnut
Activity 12 = Gold Crest
Activity 15 = Two moths reproducing - Pale Tussocks. Thank you Mrs Throup for giving me the answer.
Activity 17 = Goldfinch
Activity 19 = Left to right - Tiger Moth but they do have varying markings, Harlequin Ladybirds and a Cinnabar caterpillar.
Activity 20 = A very dried up dragon fly but the other insect is possibly the Acorn Nut weevil. Any other thoughts then I would love to know.